After having children, I looked at myself one day and realized that I had completely lost sight of my passion, and who I was as a woman before I became a wife or mother. I believe that it’s natural for most women to go through this phase when they have children. The important thing is not to stay in that place for too long.
The summer after having my second little one, I made a vow to start doing something for myself that I used to enjoy. That something was reading. With two toddlers two and under, I read over twenty books! You may be wondering how in the world I had time to devote to reading in the midst of the chaos that comes along with staying at home with toddlers. I let them play their hearts out on the floor while I laid on the couch and read as much as possible before having to stop and feed, change, or entertain my girls. Nap time was like the icing on the cake, uninterrupted reading once I had dinner prepped for the night. I also stayed up a little later after putting everyone to bed to read a few chapters. I was a reading machine!! I will admit, some things were left undone, I felt guilty some days about not working with the girls as much as I should on educational stuff, but this season was necessary.
This simple act of picking up an old hobby that I didn’t think I had time for was a game changer for me. Once I realized that I could still incorporate some things I enjoy into my daily routine, I was hooked and my passion began to rise. I started experimenting with jewelry making (which wasn’t my thing), then I found my true niche…crafting with my Cameo!! I saw a shirt one of my friends had made for her daughter and asked how she did it. Two words…Silhouette Cameo. I had never heard of the Cameo before, but I googled it and fell in love, and a month later it was on my doorstep for Christmas (Thanks husband)! Okay ending tangent… let’s refocus on the subject at hand, re-igniting the passion that you have neglected since marriage, little ones, or just life in general happened.

Re-igniting my passion has been a journey that I still a struggle with at times, but I can certainly say that I have been revitalized, and I feel more alive than I have ever been! It is my hope that you can find that same passion within yourself and bring it to life.
Implement these 5 easy steps to revive your passion and keep your dreams alive…
Write down your hobbies
What did you enjoy doing before you had a family that you haven’t made time for lately? Journaling, tennis, sewing, crafting, jogging? Whatever it is, just go for it! We talk ourselves out of the very things we need to revive us because we’re moms, we don’t have time, and we’re stretched entirely too thin. You deserve to partake in something that pleases you and only you. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and this is a great way to replenish yourself so that you can be at the top of your game for everyone that may be depending on you. Even more important, you will be fulfilled in ways that make you feel alive again.
Pick 1 hobby from your list
Choose a hobby that you will commit to making time for this year. Don’t try to talk yourself out of it because of all the other obligations in your life. Talk to your husband or support system to schedule a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly time for them to take care of the little one(s) while you enjoy your hobby.
It won’t always be easy to keep appointments with yourself, but treat it as if it’s just as important as anything else on your calendar. You don’t even have to leave the house to make this happen. As long as someone is designated to watch the little ones, you can go to a spare room and journal, work on a scrapbook, read, whatever floats your boat. Just make sure you do it, and you will feel so much better once you do!
Write down 3 personal goals
I’m sure you have goals for your little ones and family as a whole, but it’s important to have your own goals as well. Your identity has probably been wrapped up in your role as wife and mother, but there’s a woman still in there with a passion and purpose to fulfill, and it’s time you set her free.
Here are three of my personal goals…
- Do some form of self-care once a week
- Take the necessary steps to monetize my blog
- Spend time daily in the word & meditation to establish a deeper connection with Christ
Lighten up! Don’t take yourself too seriously
I’ve made the mistake of putting far too much pressure on myself to be the best wife, mommy and homemaker I could be. As a result, some days I ended up burnt out, dissatisfied and overwhelmed. We can parent with purpose and intention without setting unrealistic expectations for ourselves. It’s okay if the little ones don’t make it to all the fun activities you had planned for the week, or if you don’t feel up to doing those crafts projects you found on Pinterest. They will remember how you made them feel above all else, so show them love and affection as often as you can.
Speak positive affirmations over yourself
Sometimes we need an extra reminder that we are beautiful, worthy, and capable of absolutely anything we set our minds to! Affirmations are a great way to reinforce positive thoughts and behaviors. If you don’t know where to start, there are several You Tube videos that recite positive affirmations, or you can write your own based on areas you need it most. Here are a few of my favorites…
- Today is going to be a great day
- I am happy, healthy, and whole
- I was created to do great things, the world needs my gift
- I am powerful beyond measure
- I will do small things in a great way
- I release my need to impress others. I know I have nothing to prove. I choose to accept myself just the way I am
- I choose to radiate love, joy and gratitude today. I know that life is too short to dwell on negativity. I walk in light.
There is so much waiting for you outside of your comfort zone. It is my hope that these tips will jump start your journey to rediscovering the passion within you. The process won’t be perfect, but the results will be so worth it! Make a vow that this will be your best year yet!
P.S. Be sure to click the image below to download your *free* worksheet!
37 comments on “How to Re-ignite Your Passion in 5 Easy Steps”
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This is a great read Denisha and so well written! Very inspiring!!!
Thanks so much Ashley!! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
This was a great read. It inspired me to evaluate my current life plans. It was a great reminder to put myself first. I’m going to use your worksheet to help provide direction. Looking forward to the next post. #AuntBB
Thank you lady!! I’m so glad you got some useful information from it.
Thank you for the free worksheet and such an inspirational post! This is exactly the boost I needed in life right now!
My pleasure! We’re on this journey together.
This is absolutely beautiful and uplifting. Sometimes, we are so lost in our life’s demands and we forget ourselves, thanks for sharing.
Such an enlightening post! I love the fact that this post addresses a lot of self love. Many times we get swallowed by family responsibilities.
Thanks Jessica! I completely identify with that. A change begins with loving ourselves more.
This is awesome Denisha ! GREAT read!
Thanks Sheena! 😊
This is a great read, and you give some really great advice! It is so hard to lose yourself and your passion when you’re busy in a career, taking care of little humans, being a spouse, etc. I love your step by step approach.
Thanks Amber! It really is easy to lose yourself when you’re wearing so many hats.
Love this SO much! It can be so tough when we are all consumed with mommy life! I am definitely going to start implementing some of these tips, and I love the affirmations!
Thanks Amanda! It really is tough, but hopefully tools like this will help us refocus.
I remembering feeling that way as well after having my twins. These are all great tips and I love my Cameo too.
Those early years can be tough! Don’t you just love all the things you can create with that machine?
This is a great read! I too picked up reading again. I also blog and sell online. It all helps me keep in touch with what i like.
That’s great Jenn!! Creating a life you love includes doing the things that bring you joy.
Great actionable steps to take!
Thanks Rebecca!
I love the idea of speaking positive affirmations every day! It is a small, yet very powerful, thing to do for yourself!
I agree! It really does help to shift your mindset.
Growing up we have so many hobbies that as adults we leave behind as life gets in the way. It’s good to remind yourself of what you once enjoyed and try it again.
Yes, we tend to lose sight of the things that bring us joy when life happens. I’ve enjoyed revisiting old hobbies.
So encouraging. Going to give this a try as I often lose sight of the little things that bring me so much joy. One of goals this year is to take time for myself doing the things I love
That’s great Jaime! Wishing you all the best in taking care of you more this year!
Thank you, I needed to read this today. I keep saying I need to allow myself some time every day – or at least every other day – for my passion (or “therapy,” as I call it), which is sewing and quilting. I still have late Christmas gifts to finish, as well as items I want to make “just because.”
Dr. Banks, I’m glad it resonated with you. I have no doubt you’ll make time for this lovely quilts and sewing projects!
Great advice and so well laid out! I’ll have to keep this in mind for future burnt out passion!
Thanks so much for taking time to read Renee! 🙂
This was such a great read! Very inspiring!! I can definitely relate to some of the same goals you have. I’ve been wanting to read more and get more into the Word as well.
Thank you Tangela! Here’s to smashing our goals in 2018!
Love it! Great information! Thanks!
Thanks Carolina!
I am SO happy I came across your article. I’ve really been struggling lately with balance and I know that over time the things I used to do were no longer part of my routine. I used to go to belly dance classes once a week (at least) and would even perform in shows, but then my son’s baseball ended up being on that night so I cancelled dancing. I have noticed a real change in my energy and my fitness levels (for the worse) since I stopped. I’m going to write down my old hobbies tonight and really think about what I can bring back into my life as I NEED it!!
I’m glad you did too Yolanda!! I hope it helped!