The very last portion of our March Makeover rounds out our self-care journey as we focus on taking care of our bodies. When we think of taking care of our bodies, our minds tend to go directly to weight. But there is so much more to our health than the number we see on the scale.

My weight has always fluctuated between what I consider my “norm”, the “uncomfortable” stage, and the “healthy/fit” stage. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has struggled with staying in that fit zone.

With the many hats we wear, it takes a focused effort to live a healthy lifestyle.  I have personally found that when I approach my health from a spiritual perspective, it makes it much easier to stay committed.

Before moving to Europe, I lost 20 pounds as a result of living an active, healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, I allowed the stress of moving out of the country, and our family cruise to derail my progress. Instead of making the hard choice to continue eating healthy and exercising, I took the easy route and ate the bad stuff.

Now that we’re getting settled into a routine, I am finally putting the pieces back together and creating a balanced and healthy lifestyle again. I refuse to beat myself up over the weight I gained, but I am determined to make better choices for me and my family.

How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle











I’m certainly no expert, so I’m featuring a lovely lady who has plenty of experience encouraging other women to live a healthy lifestyle. I hope you’ve been inspired by the series to begin living your best life from the inside out!

“A Healthy Lifestyle Is Cheaper than Illness” -Carolina Comeaux

In today’s fast pace world where busyness is on the rise, it can be challenging for us women to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  We often get caught up in our careers or businesses, house chores, with the kids, and the list goes on. Sometimes our focus on the to-dos for the day can cause us to forget about the must-dos for ourselves.  

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet and physical activity are key to good nutrition and is necessary for a long and healthy life.  It is so critical to remember that one of the most important tasks throughout the day must consist of taking care of our bodies for optimal health and longevity.

Healthy lifestyle












Living a healthy lifestyle is about taking it one step at a time.  It does not have to be dreadful or time-consuming. Making small adjustments to your daily habits can make a significant impact on your health.  

Here are a few tips to help you live a healthy life for longevity.  You don’t have to do them all at once, just slowly implement them into your daily routine until it becomes a new habit.  

Eat rainbow foods.  Studies show that eating a variety of rainbow foods that consist of fruits and vegetables is the best choice for preventing illness.  It can also be beneficial for a nutritious balance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Use the colors of the rainbow as a guideline when shopping in the produce aisle.

Rainbow foods

Educate yourself on nutrition.  Becoming knowledgeable about the foods you eat can help with making healthier food choices when shopping or dining out.  This awareness can lead to good health and encourage your family to desire a healthy lifestyle too.

Drink lots of water.  Water is essential to life and the organs in our body.  It helps carry nutrients through the body for functionality, flushes out toxins, suppress the appetite, and prevents a false feeling of hunger.  For optimal health drink a minimum of eight, eight-ounces of water per day. Needs may vary with physical activity, changes in the climate and humidity, and how you eat throughout the day.  







Cut back on buying junk foods for the house.  One of the best ways to avoid loading up on unhealthy snacks is to keep them out of the house as much as possible.  If it is not in your home, you will find a healthier substitution. Now, this does not mean to give up on snacking entirely.  It is about creating the routine of eating less unhealthy snacks and finding healthier alternatives. If you search the internet, there are tons of delicious options for healthy snacking.   

Get enough sleep.  Studies show that sleep is known for being nature’s number one healer.  Every night, you should get at least 8-10 hours of rest for good health.  When you are well rested, your body can regenerate, regain balance, and increase the healing process.  

Get enough sleep







Here are some tips for implementing physical activity.  

Exercise has many significant health benefits necessary for our bodies to perform.  An active lifestyle can promote good health, keep your mind sharp, increase vitality and changes of living longer.  Studies show moderate to vigorous physical activity can prevent:

  • strokes
  • heart disease
  • high cholesterol
  • arthritis
  • osteoporosis or bone loss
  • overweight and obese conditions and so much more

Exercise for healthy lifestyle

Physical activity is anything that makes you move your body and burns calories. If you want t prevent disease and prolong the aging process, it’s vital you keep active daily.  

Here are some things you can do to implement daily exercise into your busy schedule without doing intensive workouts.  

  • Take the stairs instead of elevators
  • Go for brisk walks (20-30 minutes or more)
  • Park your car at a distance and walk to your desired location
  • Doing chores around the house
  • Yard work (gardening, raking leaves etc.)
  • Dancing
  • Water aerobics
  • Playing active sports for fun with family or/and friends: tennis, soccer, baseball etc.

What is one thing you can start today to create a healthier lifestyle?

5 Effective Ways to Create Lasting Change

Carolina is a Certified Life and Wellness Coach for moms, and the author of the book Beat the Fat. She is a wife and mother of two who empowers moms to reach their highest level of wellness and fullest potential.

Carolina Comeaux


19 comments on “How to Live a Healthy Life for Longevity”

  1. Your health and fitness recommendations are spot on. I’ve noticed with my own workouts that it’s 10x easier to just eat healthy foods than try and “out run a bad diet”. For long term you need both of course but it really does make a big difference. And – best part about these recommendations – you can start today 🙂

  2. These are great tips for a healthy lifestyle. It is easy to let stressors and/or life events take over and let our health fall by the wayside. But, it’s important to get back on track! The tip to limit the amount of junk food you buy is key…if it isn’t in your house, you can’t eat it!

  3. I couldn’t agree more! A healthy lifestyle is hard to start, but so worth it! I have found that it helps so many other areas of life!

  4. I love this quote – “A Healthy Lifestyle Is Cheaper than Illness” -Carolina Comeaux
    Your tips are wonderful – we need to take care of ourselves first. I am a spin/cycling fanatic but need to eat healthier.

  5. I love this! It can be so hard to make big huge changes to get your life on the healthy track. But simple changes like drinking more water, or eating more vegetables and cutting out all the sweets can make such a huge difference.

  6. Trying to live a healthy lifestyle can be challenging but if you stick with it you can definitely make it happen. One step at a time. Great post.

  7. You are totally right about a healthy lifestyle being cheaper than illness. It’s not worth it. I agree with the above comment, simple changes can make a difference.

  8. This article is helpful, thanks. It’s important to lean some of the calorie counts in the foods you consume regularly. I’ve learned that a zero or low calorie idea tea, bottled, is often way more calorie friendly than the sugary hot coffee I order when I’m not thinking about my health. Sugar is everywhere, and it’s ok to have some… But even cutting a few sugar sources out can really affect your health.

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