We go through seasons of drought that can cause us to feel stressed, burnt-out, frustrated, and alone. It is during those times that we must seek our Savior to refresh our soul. The 5 tips I’m sharing with you have worked wonders for me, and I hope they do the same for you. Be sure […] Read more…
Transform Your Heart in 5 Vital Steps
Our hearts are directly influenced by what consumes our minds, which is why we started week 1 focusing on renewing our thoughts. Of all the changes I’ve made in my life, doing the work to transform my heart has been the most significant. I am a better person, sister, daughter, wife, mother and friend as […] Read more…
Renew Your Mind in 5 Essential Steps
Why do we need to renew our minds? Renewing your mind is a process you may repeat several times throughout the course of your life. As you grow and mature, or go through life experiences, your mindset shifts. It is up to us to renew our minds as we grow through what we go through. […] Read more…
Day Trip to Berlin
Our first few weeks in Prague have been full of firsts. One of the most exciting being our first road trip to Berlin, Germany! The great thing about Europe is the close proximity of the surrounding states. Berlin was just a three-hour drive from Prague with lots of beautiful scenery along the way. My husband […] Read more…
How I Overcame Fear & Achieved My Goals
There are so many dreams God has placed in my heart that I put off for far too long for fear of failure. I didn’t want to admit that I was actually afraid of taking a chance on myself. I’m pretty confident in my abilities, so it was hard to accept the fact that I […] Read more…
7 Easy Ways to Teach Your Toddler Character
When we become mothers, there are so many things that go through our minds about our little one’s future. How do we make sure we’re raising them to be kind, responsible, confident human beings? Are we doing all we can to make sure they’re prepared to make their mark in the world? I have pondered […] Read more…
5 Must-Have Shore Excursion Tips For Toddlers | Island Reviews
Cruising has easily become me and my husband’s favorite way to travel! Some may wonder how it’s possible to really explore when cruising to destinations where you only get eight to twelve hours ashore. I learned just how possible it was during my recent excursion on a twelve-day southern Caribbean cruise with my family. This […] Read more…
How to Re-ignite Your Passion in 5 Easy Steps
After having children, I looked at myself one day and realized that I had completely lost sight of my passion, and who I was as a woman before I became a wife or mother. I believe that it’s natural for most women to go through this phase when they have children. The important thing is […] Read more…